Page name: The Singers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-22 17:58:59
Last author: Coldfire1
Owner: Coldfire1
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Singers of the Day

Here we have a form for those who want to be Signers and the rules of Song of the Day


The month of December

Wait list

Week of choice
Idea for Theme



   Singers are the people who go onto Youtube and post great AMVs for elftowners. They are all anime and they all go along to a theme picked by the singer of the week.Singers are all volenters.To become a singer simply put you name in the waiting list along with the week you wish to become a singer.You must be sure you will be able to post one song each day for the week assigned to you.Before choicing a theme it is wise to have 7 selected so you on't run out of good amvs. (Theme songs of animes are aloud but don't put to many down)
   One can be a Singer more then once. PLEASE do not pick a theme another singer has already chosen without a few weeks imbetween.Mixed animes are aloud if that is the theme.Note, a week is from Mon-Sun. Other things to keep in mind are: That music videos that are from a show, but include the acual singer are alowed.If one is haveing trouble there can be multible themes. And just incase a signer is unable to do their week,its fine and the singer will just have to do thier week in the next open space.

If you have a question about these rules please ask,i'm still working on them


***************************Week #(name of anime/theme)********************

Date <------- Most resont date so when you go on the site you see the song for that day
(song title)

Continued in same form..........

at end...
Singer # (then screen name of singer)

If its your week just remind me if i'm on.You can put up the song one day at a time so that at the end you have 7 songs.If you signed up remember to check for you week date.I'll try to send you a reminder a day before.

Most reasont Singers

For the whole list got to Singer archive

All singers can have this badge of thanks: <img:>

Back to Song of the Day

Username (or number or email):


2006-04-02 [Just someone]: i might get it now

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: gomenazi (i'm sorry) i'm still new at this adea and i need to work out some corks in the system

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: so your going to be week 10-17 and the theme is....FMA ?

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: it'd ok i don't ever know how to make a wiki's

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: ya thats what am going to do

2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: but its april 3rd were i live..... i think.. and it will end at the date up top on the sunday. i hope i did haqt rright

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: it's april 2ed here and coldfire did i do it right

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: how do u make a wiki's thing i want to make one with a friend

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: *blinks* its sunday over here (april 2) oh ya forgot, if anyone has a time diffrence problem its cool,it doen't need to be right on time.

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: ok

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: go to to the wikis wiki page and they have a section on wiki help

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: ok

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: is it hard to do

2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: TOKYO! XD lol. sorry.

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: does anybody know anyone (or have a sugeston for a theme) to be the singer for 3-9

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: i can't and don't know noone sorry

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: oh well 8evil sniker* i'll ask around for new singers

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: hey did i do the thing at top right

2006-04-02 [Coldfire1]: yes congats

2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: yup

2006-04-02 [Just someone]: lol

2006-04-02 [Avatar15]: yahoo watashi wa kataze!!!

2006-04-03 [Coldfire1]: *blinks* please translate *feels terrable for not knowing* my japanese isn't that good, gomenazi

2006-04-04 [Avatar15]: arigatoo gomenazi right? omg how do i not! >_< it means yahoo i win!XD

2006-04-04 [Coldfire1]: oh..*couph* i knew that *looks the other way guiltly*

2006-04-04 [Avatar15]: nahhh!! realy XD lol. jk :P yahoo watashi wa kataze

2006-04-04 [Coldfire1]: *blinks again* were do you get these saysing?

2006-04-04 [Coldfire1]: kimiwida (i think that how you spell it) xso i so bad at this

2006-04-04 [Avatar15]: i live were we al speek japanaese. a lot. XD lol. konbonwa?

2006-04-04 [Coldfire1]: *blinks * NO FAIR !!!

2006-04-04 [Avatar15]: .....nan/nani???

2006-04-08 [Just someone]: is't the 10'th on monday

2006-04-08 [Coldfire1]: yes?

2006-04-08 [Just someone]: ok

2006-04-08 [Coldfire1]: ^^can't wait to see the amvs your going to put up ^^

2006-04-08 [Just someone]: yup

2006-04-08 [Avatar15]: ok!

2006-04-12 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: hey, um...I dont know what I need for a theme

2006-04-12 [Just someone]: o the theme is just what t.v show u are u are going to take the songs from just look at the one i did or outher people did

2006-04-14 [Coldfire1]: ^^ it can be any anime so you could just pick your fav shows and see if there are any amvs on youtube

2006-04-14 [Avatar15]: any anime picka week

2006-04-14 [Coldfire1]: ...i don't think shes on right now*sighs*

2006-04-14 [Avatar15]: so can i just pick songs and thats about it

2006-04-14 [Coldfire1]: O.o what do you mean?

2006-04-14 [Coldfire1]: a singer goes on youtube and picks their favorite songs for the anime of chose and post them, thats all really i guess

2006-04-14 [Avatar15]: nvm. i got it

2006-04-14 [Coldfire1]: *feels realy stupid*sorry if its confusing i'm not good at xplaining things

2006-04-14 [Avatar15]: its ok. your the smart one. o-O

2006-04-14 [Coldfire1]: *blinks and stares at you wierdly* smart?! *starts to lauph histericaly*

2006-04-14 [Avatar15]: lol. if im smart. heck. it would be almost as big of a lie as me having a life

2006-04-14 [Coldfire1]: i'm not smart *knocks on your head* what made you think that?

2006-04-14 [Avatar15]: your smatrter then me! thats what said'

2006-04-14 [Coldfire1]: no i'm not o.O i can hardly pass with a C in school

2006-04-14 [Avatar15]: try f's.....

2006-04-14 [Coldfire1]: seriously O.O

2006-04-14 [Avatar15]: yes. dont make fun of me k? i was mega sick....

2006-04-14 [Coldfire1]: i'm not makeing fun of you. i one had that problem to (pnimonia) i don't like the way schools grade people it bias

2006-04-14 [Avatar15]: no. im saying dont. ppl are doing this latly

2006-04-14 [Coldfire1]: O.o huh?

2006-04-14 [Avatar15]: -_- nvm.

2006-04-14 [Just someone]: hey when my week is over can i do it agen next month or some time when no one is doing it

2006-04-14 [Coldfire1]: sure, til more people become signers you guys can be signers more then once a month

2006-04-14 [Just someone]: kool

2006-04-17 [Avatar15]: wait. O_O when is my week?! I forgot! How could I!? O_O

2006-04-17 [Avatar15]: ok. nvm. im set -_-

2006-04-19 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: what should I do for a theme?

2006-04-19 [Avatar15]: dunno./ Im doing advent children then next month dnangel so those are taken

2006-04-19 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: Do I have to anime? I mean cant I do like love or forgotten or something like that?

2006-04-19 [Avatar15]: i thinks o

2006-04-19 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: sweet

2006-04-19 [Avatar15]: You need tem to be anime i think

2006-04-19 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: fine fine, can I do.... er.... .hack//sign

2006-04-19 [Avatar15]: yeah. of course

2006-04-20 [Coldfire1]: hack//sign sounds great ^^ i love that show

2006-04-20 [Avatar15]: muwwhaha. we be the entertainers for coldfire! i noticd your evil plan! -_-

2006-04-20 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: Sweet

2006-04-20 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: whats format?

2006-04-20 [Avatar15]: her plan! O_O this wiki is for new songs to rule jupiter! ahhhhhhhhhhh

2006-04-20 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: ...oh-okay

2006-04-20 [Avatar15]: o-o

2006-04-20 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: ......................

2006-04-21 [Coldfire1]: kool ^^

2006-04-21 [Avatar15]: is that ok. up top.

2006-04-23 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: whatever wk you wanna give me, okay? just let me know, I will try to be on at least once a day that wk, I will give you guys the song if I cant be here for that day

2006-04-24 [Avatar15]: Im confuseed

2006-04-24 [Avatar15]: GASP! TOMOROW IS MY FIRST DAY! YAYAY! and tuesday i can watch my movie friend has it. o(>_<)o the evilness

2006-04-24 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: its okay

2006-04-24 [Avatar15]: lol I forget the date and if i remember it is. ^^

2006-04-24 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: lol

2006-04-24 [Avatar15]: random alert!!! MORTAL COMBAT!!!

2006-04-24 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: I <3 MORTAL KOMBAT!!

2006-04-24 [Just someone]: ??????????

2006-04-24 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: MORTAL KOMBAT!!

2006-04-24 [Avatar15]: me too!!!! OMG HANG ON!

2006-04-24 [Avatar15]: look up there videos. they can get funny.;search=Mortal%20combat

2006-04-24 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: MMK

2006-04-24 [Just someone]: <img:>

2006-04-24 [Avatar15]: *smacks head* zabuzas gone mad! gyah!!!! his mind was possested by the invaidors who wanna rule the world by gifs and icons!!!!!

2006-04-24 [Avatar15]: I have to log out for awile. so i'm posting my song later K?

2006-04-24 [Just someone]: <img:>

2006-04-25 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: ooooo shiny

2006-04-25 [Avatar15]: nari-chan? *i say chan for everyone. sorry* do you know were i post my songs?

2006-04-25 [Just someone]: i know

2006-04-26 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: um... no

2006-05-02 [Coldfire1]: OMG i'm so sorry avatar you can now do dnangel ^^ sorry i totaly forgot

2006-05-02 [Avatar15]: huh???? wait. what can i do? im sorry. i had a bad day. im not thinksing.

2006-05-03 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: tried

2006-05-04 [Coldfire1]: avatr you can do dnangel may 1-6, its okay if your a bit late ^^ (note thats THIS week)

2006-05-06 [Avatar15]: @_@ ehhhhh. i feel behind now. >_> and i feel like running a mile. O_O must run... grrr. >_< its sooo tempting. its nice out

2006-05-06 [Avatar15]: haha

2006-05-08 [Just someone]: coldfire it looks like you don't have to do it for a long time.

2006-05-08 [Coldfire1]: ya >.< i really want to but others come first in this case(i wouldn't want to seem selfish)

2006-05-08 [Just someone]: will if you want to you can take my turn and i will go after you cause i don't care when i go.^^

2006-05-08 [Coldfire1]: nah its cool..i'd first have to pich a theme which might take me bit of thinking

2006-05-08 [Coldfire1]: acually...i will do another week ^^

2006-05-08 [Just someone]: ok then

2006-05-08 [Coldfire1]: ^^evil me i was going to do a diffrent week but i have an orchestra thing all weekend which kinda stinks >.<

2006-05-08 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: Yay, I put mine up

2006-06-07 [Coldfire1]: avatar15 whats your theme?

2006-06-07 [Avatar15]: I'm adding it. Im at school posting. I hve to go. sory. Im ading lat

2006-06-07 [Coldfire1]: k I'm at school to..or i was when i asked

2006-06-07 [Avatar15]: lol. >_> shhh! nota word to anyone! BAD nano!

2006-06-07 [Coldfire1]: lol ^^

2006-06-07 [Avatar15]: ^^ heehee. I should be studying for my finals.... but I'm not... I'm posting stuff online and watching/listening to amvs.... >_>

2006-06-09 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: im gunna get a new one okay?

2006-06-09 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: can i do the legend of zelda

2006-06-09 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: can i do the legend of zelda/

2006-06-09 [Avatar15]: I think so. ask anywaysd

2006-06-09 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: i just did

2006-06-09 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: if they dont like it then they can tell me

2006-06-09 [Coldfire1]: they're are legend of zelda amvs?! and is it an anime?

2006-06-09 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: well they had an anime, which suched ass, and i believe so.

2006-06-09 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: 19 of jun right? if it is jul i cant do it

2006-06-09 [Coldfire1]: yep june..check to see if you can find 7 amv so you don't run out in middle of the week

2006-06-12 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: okay

2006-06-21 [Coldfire1]: man this bites i was going to fo a witch hunter robin but every song i picked just got deleted for copyright >.< WHY!!

2006-07-03 [Coldfire1]: to nariufina: nghmare before christmas is not an anime therefor doesn't aply sry

2006-07-04 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: fine then what about gravitation?

2006-07-05 [Coldfire1]: mmmmm...let me check on that

2006-07-05 [Coldfire1]: SURE ^^ go right ahead

2006-07-05 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: ^.^ YAY!

2006-07-05 [Coldfire1]: but make it a good week, graviation is such a kool show that is you mess up the week you don't know who might come after you ^^

2006-07-05 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: seriously! I will

2006-07-05 [Coldfire1]: k ^^ well i'm very busy right now so ttyl

2006-07-05 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: bye


2006-07-08 [Coldfire1]: ya ^^' i thought it was a bit confussing with dates so i thought they'd help

2006-07-08 [Avatar15]: ^^ thankies

2006-07-08 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: ^^ yes they do helo...ALOT

2006-07-08 [Avatar15]: halo? or helo?

2006-07-08 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: I mean help

2006-07-08 [Avatar15]: oh.... ><

2006-07-08 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: sry typing fast

2006-07-08 [Coldfire1]: lol ^^

2006-07-08 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: ^^

2006-07-08 [Avatar15]: I'm typing on my moms computer. its a plat like laptop kind of keyboard... for a normal computer... 0.o

2006-07-08 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: I hate laptop keyboards

2006-07-08 [Avatar15]: me too....

2006-07-08 [Coldfire1]: dido

2006-07-08 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: woot!

2006-07-14 [Avatar15]: ^ _^

2006-07-14 [Coldfire1]: your doing naruto now? kool ^^

2006-07-14 [Avatar15]: Yes, because I found about like, 5 awsome amv's of naruto. ^^'I heard the song unwell soemhwere and immediatly looked it up on youtube and got an awsome amv of Itachi and Sasuke. XD

2006-07-15 [Coldfire1]: really kool ^^ have you heard the sasuke happy song?

2006-07-15 [Coldfire1]: oh listen to this one ^^

2006-07-15 [Avatar15]: nope. but he realy does hold up that paper in the anime. XD the one on the icon "sorry girls, im gay"

2006-07-15 [Avatar15]: Oh, I saw that once. lol XD I changed it cause I dont like rap. ^^;;

2006-07-16 [Coldfire1]: really oh well ^^

2006-07-16 [Avatar15]: T_T I ment rap. Took me a minute to figure out what I ment there. >_< not rape. RAP. lol

2006-08-07 [Coldfire1]: hy avatar what do you mean by DDR Anime?

2006-08-07 [Avatar15]: 1) What changed? I can't find it.
2) DDR Anime. As I said. For example. A host club amv with waka laka in the backround, or advent children with never endinding story. Basically amv's with DDR music.

2006-08-07 [Coldfire1]: oh ok ^^ sure but could you pick a diffrent week? its already been week 1-7 of august ^^

2006-08-07 [Avatar15]: Ok. If not DDR, anc I do comedy?

2006-08-07 [Avatar15]: btw, was it you who told me you loved that Kadaj Spin me right round techno amv? XD i foudn it again if so.

2006-08-07 [Coldfire1]: *lauphs at you* you should really read the calader ^^ you can have 7-13 though ^^

2006-08-07 [Avatar15]: I ws reading the calender as I chose a week and theme... *frown* Thanks though. WAS it you who weanted to see it? the kadaj thing?

2006-08-07 [Coldfire1]: i can't remeber about kradaj, with the calader you kept starting on tuesday ^^

2006-08-07 [Avatar15]: You might. lol, I'll send it to you

2006-08-07 [Avatar15]: AIR?!?!?

2006-08-08 [Coldfire1]: ya ^^

2006-08-08 [Avatar15]: whats that though.......... -_-

2006-08-08 [Coldfire1]: huh?

2006-08-08 [Avatar15]: Whre Can I post!! O_O I'm three days behind ><

2006-08-10 [Coldfire1]: you don't know the show AIR?! (its fine if your behind that happens alot to this site hehe >.>)

2006-08-10 [Avatar15]: No, I haven't seen or heard of iyt. Youtube url please?

2006-08-10 [Avatar15]: btw, I'll add my amv's later. >< IM SOOO SORRY!

2006-08-10 [Coldfire1]: i told you its fine ^^ this is still a pritty new wiki so its not that orginized anyway take your time i'm sure the amv will be awsome....

2006-08-10 [Coldfire1]: Air ep 1: enjoy ^^

2006-08-10 [Avatar15]: W0oT! I shall, i hope....

2006-08-10 [Avatar15]: OHHHHH! I have a few images from this aniem saved XD I know this show!

2006-08-11 [Coldfire1]: kool ^^ i really like the show ^^

2006-09-11 [Avatar15]: O_O I hope I did that right...

2006-09-12 [Coldfire1]: k the next week open is 10-17 sep. you can start now

2006-09-12 [Avatar15]: YAY!

2006-11-03 [alli.DEADFAYCE.]: hi

2006-11-04 [Coldfire1]: hiya ^^

2007-01-22 [Coldfire1]: NOTEICE: a new singer is needed so if your interested PLEASE tell me

2007-06-26 [Coldfire1]: omg thanks nanoda you can start for the first wekk of i think thats July 2-8 *hug*

2007-06-27 [Avatar15]: :D! YAY!!!

2007-12-01 [Coldfire1]: OK, i'm probably going to wait for song of the day, till next year

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